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Urgent Announcements

Career guidance / Mentorship/ Coaching is essential for growth

Dear Festival Exhibitors/Stall Holders


In light of the disruptions in the transport services sector and related unrest, Artscape has decided to cancel the outdoor activities planned for the annual Artscape Women’s Humanity Arts Festival on Wednesday 9 August 2023. This is as per advice and directive received from the City of Cape Town Law Enforcement Services.

The following activities have therefore been cancelled for 9th August:

  1. Exhibitors and stall holders
  1. Humanity Walk with inter-faith Blessing and poetry
  1. Outdoor entertainment

Should you wish to attend Artscape in your personal capacity on Wednesday 9 August, you are welcome to do so. Marlene Le Roux, her team at Artscape and Woman Zone will have activities inside the building from 11h00 on Wednesday 9 August such as viewing photographic exhibits inside Artscape, and poetry recitals.  There will be NO gathering outside Artscape as this creates a potential safety risk.

The stage productions on 9 August at 14h00, 15h00 and 18h30 will go ahead so if you have bought tickets for any of these productions, they will go ahead as planned.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may incur, however the safety of all stakeholders in relation to the outdoor activities is of paramount importance.

Thank you for your support.

RKP Attorneys Inc & Woza Leadership Academy has made a decision to withdraw from:
1. The 1000 Women event 8 August 2023;
2. The Artscape Women in Humanity Festival Walk 9 August 2023.

Due to the ongoing strike, we deem it prudent to withdraw in order to protect our staff, clients and colleagues.

We will keep you posted on further details soon

Kind regards
Rehana Khan Parker

RKP Attorneys Inc. welcomes the Constitutional Court landmark ruling as a victory for all women insofar as in the past courts could issue redistribution orders in certain cases of divorce where spouses have been married out of the community of property without accrual - but only if they were married before 1984 which situation resulted in disproportionate discrimination against women which amounted to indirect discrimination against women because of the disproportionate way in which they were impacted, and therefore the ruling is that spouses may, regardless of when you were married, claim and the court could potentially step in.

Our mission

to provide legal solutions in a cost-effective & professional manner

Senior Associate Shaida Mall

with 16 years’ experience in Commercial Law, Family Law, Children's Court, Trust Administration and Estates.


Why Choose Us

The Firm is led by its Director, Rehana Khan Parker, a champion for diversity and inclusion.

with over 30 years legal experience in general practice and litigation

Nolitha Mboto joined as a Junior Associate in 2022

after completing her candidate legal practionership with the firm. Her experience at SAPS subsequent the firm stands her in good stead in Labour matters, unlawful arrests suits, municipal law, motor vehicle accidents, evictions and commercial law.


Meeting the needs of our clients since 1993.


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